No package
Classes summary
Exceptions summary
AdmException | |
WavFileException | WavFileException indicates an illegal state or argument in this class. |
WavFormatException | WavFormatException indicates a malformed or unsupported wav file header. |
Functions summary
admFuncAutoload | Autoloading function of class files. This function will be later registered for default autoload implementation. Therefore the class name must be the same as the file name except for case sensitive. |
admFuncGeneratePagination | diese Funktion gibt eine Seitennavigation in Anhaengigkeit der Anzahl Seiten zurueck Teile dieser Funktion sind von generatePagination aus phpBB2 Beispiel: Seite: < Vorherige 1 2 3 ... 9 10 11 Naechste > |
admFuncGetBytesFromSize | |
admFuncGetDirectoryEntries | Search all visible files or directories in the specified directory. |
admFuncMaxUploadSize | Berechnung der Maximalerlaubten Dateiuploadgröße in Byte |
admFuncProcessableImageSize | Funktion gibt die maximale Pixelzahl zurück die der Speicher verarbeiten kann |
admFuncShowCreateChangeInfoById | Creates a html fragment with information about user and time when the recordset was created and when it was at last edited. Therefore all necessary data must be set in the function parameters. If userId is not set then the function will show @b deleted @b user. |
admFuncShowCreateChangeInfoByName | Creates a html fragment with information about user and time when the recordset was created and when it was at last edited. Therefore all necessary data must be set in the function parameters. If user name is not set then the function will show @b deleted @b user. |
admFuncVariableIsValid | The function is designed to check the content of @b $_GET and @b $_POST elements and should be used at the beginning of a script. If the value of the defined datatype is not valid then an error will be shown. If no value was set then the parameter will be initialized. The function can be used with every array and their elements. You can set several flags (like required value, datatype …) that should be checked. |
admReadTemplateFile | Function to Read a file and store all data into a variable |
admStrIsValidFileName | Check if a filename contains invalid characters. The characters will be checked with strValidCharacters. In addition the function checks if the name contains .. or a . at the beginning. |
admStrStripTagsSpecial | removes html, php code and blancs at beginning and end of string or all elements of array without ckeditor variables !!! |
admStrToLower | In case the multibyte functions are not supported, we fallback to a no-multibyte function IMPORTANT: If the fallback is used, the conversion of umlauts not work! admStrToLower(([\w$[]()]+)) -> mb_strtolower($1, 'UTF-8') |
admStrToUpper | In case the multibyte functions are not supported, we fallback to a no-multibyte function IMPORTANT: If the fallback is used, the conversion of umlauts not work! |
bzip2Version | |
checkDatabaseVersion | prueft, ob die Mindestvoraussetzungen bei PHP und MySQL eingehalten werden |
checkPhpVersion | prueft, ob die Mindestvoraussetzungen bei PHP und MySQL eingehalten werden |
EmailAttachment | |
FileSizeNiceDisplay | |
FormattedTimeRemaining | |
FunctionIsDisabled | |
getFormerRolesFromDatabase | get all memberships where the user was assigned |
getFutureRolesFromDatabase | get all memberships where the user will be assigned |
getmicrotime | |
getRoleMemberships | |
getRolesFromDatabase | get all memberships where the user is assigned |
gzipVersion | |
hasRole | Function checks if the user is a member of the role. If @b userId is not set than this will be checked for the current user |
hl_attrval | |
hl_bal | |
hl_cmtcd | |
hl_ent | |
hl_prot | |
hl_regex | |
hl_spec | |
hl_tag | |
hl_tag2 | |
hl_tidy | |
hl_version | |
htmLawed | |
HTMLFilter | |
isGroupLeader | Function checks if the user is a group leader in a role of the current organization. If you use the @b roleId parameter you can check if the user is group leader of that role. |
isMember | Function checks if the user is a member in a role of the current organization. |
kses | |
kses_hook | |
MySQLdumpVersion | |
OutputInformation | |
SafeExec | |
showNotice | A method to create a simple html page that shows a custom text and a navigation button. This should be used to show notices or errors during installation or update. |
strAddSlashesDeep | fuegt Quotes einem mittels addslashes() gequoteten Array und String hinzu |
strNextLetter | Determines the previous or next letter in the alphabet |
strStripSlashesDeep | Entfernt Quotes aus einem mittels addslashes() gequoteten Array und String |
strStripTags | removes html, php code and whitespaces at beginning and end of string or all elements of array |
strValidCharacters | Check if a string contains only valid characters. Therefore the string is compared with a hard coded list of valid characters for each datatype. |
tln_body2div | |
tln_casenormalize | A small helper function to use with array_walk. Modifies a by-ref value and makes it lowercase. |
tln_deent | Translates entities into literal values so they can be checked. |
tln_defang | This function checks attribute values for entity-encoded values and returns them translated into 8-bit strings so we can run checks on them. |
tln_findnxreg | This function takes a PCRE-style regexp and tries to match it within the string. |
tln_findnxstr | This function looks for the next character within a string. It's really just a glorified "strpos", except it catches the failures nicely. |
tln_fixatts | This function runs various checks against the attributes. |
tln_fixstyle | |
tln_fixurl | |
tln_getnxtag | This function looks for the next tag. |
tln_sanitize | |
tln_skipspace | This function skips any whitespace from the current position within a string and to the next non-whitespace value. |
tln_tagprint | This function returns the final tag out of the tag name, an array of attributes, and the type of the tag. This function is called by tln_sanitize internally. |
tln_unspace | Kill any tabs, newlines, or carriage returns. Our friends the makers of the browser with 95% market value decided that it'd be funny to make "java[tab]script" be just as good as "javascript". |
version_compare_replacement | |
version_compare_replacement_sub |