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* Class handle role rights, cards and other things of users
* @copyright 2004-2016 The Admidio Team
* @see http://www.admidio.org/
* @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License v2.0 only
* @class Inventory
* Diese Klasse dient dazu ein Userobjekt zu erstellen.
* Ein User kann ueber diese Klasse in der Datenbank verwaltet werden
* Beside the methods of the parent class there are the following additional methods:
* deleteUserFieldData() - delete all user data of profile fields;
* user record will not be deleted
* getListViewRights() - Liefert ein Array mit allen Rollen und der
* Berechtigung, ob der User die Liste einsehen darf
* - aehnlich getProperty, allerdings suche ueber usf_id
* viewProfile - Ueberprueft ob der User das Profil eines uebrgebenen
* Users einsehen darf
class Inventory extends TableInventory
public $mInventoryFieldsData; ///< object with current user field structure
public $mProfileFieldsData = array();
protected $list_view_rights = array(); ///< Array ueber Listenrechte einzelner Rollen => Zugriff nur über getListViewRights()
protected $organizationId; ///< the organization for which the rights are read, could be changed with method @b setOrganization
* Constructor that will create an object of a recordset of the users table.
* If the id is set than this recordset will be loaded.
* @param \Database $database Object of the class database. This could be the default object @b $gDb.
* @param \InventoryFields $inventoryFields An object of the ProfileFields class with the profile field structure
* of the current organization. This could be the default object @b $gProfileFields.
* @param int $itemId The id of the user who should be loaded. If id isn't set than an empty object with no specific user is created.
public function __construct(&$database, $inventoryFields, $itemId = 0)
global $gCurrentOrganization;
$this->mInventoryFieldsData = clone $inventoryFields; // create explicit a copy of the object (param is in PHP5 a reference)
$this->organizationId = $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_id');
parent::__construct($database, $itemId);
* Additional to the parent method the user profile fields and
* all user rights and role memberships will be initialized
public function clear()
// die Daten der Profilfelder werden geloescht, die Struktur bleibt
* @return bool returns true if a column of user table or profile fields has changed
public function columnsValueChanged()
return $this->columnsValueChanged || $this->mProfileFieldsData->columnsValueChanged;
* delete all user data of profile fields; user record will not be deleted
public function deleteUserFieldData()
// delete every entry from adm_users_data
foreach($this->mProfileFieldsData->mUserData as $field)
$this->mProfileFieldsData->mUserData = array();
* Returns the id of the organization this user object has been assigned.
* This is in the default case the default organization of the config file.
* @return int Returns the id of the organization this user object has been assigned
public function getOrganization()
if($this->organizationId > 0)
return $this->organizationId;
return 0;
* Get the value of a column of the database table if the column has the praefix @b usr_
* otherwise the value of the profile field of the table adm_user_data will be returned.
* If the value was manipulated before with @b setValue than the manipulated value is returned.
* @param string $columnName The name of the database column whose value should be read or the internal unique profile field name
* @param string $format For date or timestamp columns the format should be the date/time format e.g. @b d.m.Y = '02.04.2011'. @n
* For text columns the format can be @b database that would return the original database value without any transformations
* @return mixed Returns the value of the database column or the value of adm_user_fields
* If the value was manipulated before with @b setValue than the manipulated value is returned.
* @par Examples
* @code // reads data of adm_users column
* $loginname = $gCurrentUser->getValue('usr_login_name');
* // reads data of adm_user_fields
* $email = $gCurrentUser->getValue('EMAIL'); @endcode
public function getValue($columnName, $format = '')
global $gPreferences;
if(strpos($columnName, 'inv_') === 0)
if($columnName === 'inv_photo' && file_exists(SERVER_PATH. '/adm_my_files/invent_profile_photos/'.$this->getValue('inv_id').'.jpg'))
return file_get_contents(SERVER_PATH. '/adm_my_files/invent_profile_photos/'.$this->getValue('inv_id').'.jpg');
return parent::getValue($columnName, $format);
return $this->mInventoryFieldsData->getValue($columnName, $format);
* If this method is called than all further calls of method @b setValue will not check the values.
* The values will be stored in database without any inspections !
public function noValueCheck()
* Reads a user record out of the table adm_users in database selected by the unique user id.
* Also all profile fields of the object @b mProfileFieldsData will be read.
* @param int $itemId Unique id of the user that should be read
* @return bool Returns @b true if one record is found
public function readDataById($itemId)
// read data of all user fields from current user
$this->mInventoryFieldsData->readInventoryData($itemId, $this->organizationId);
return true;
return false;
* Save all changed columns of the recordset in table of database. Therefore the class remembers if it's
* a new record or if only an update is necessary. The update statement will only update
* the changed columns. If the table has columns for creator or editor than these column
* with their timestamp will be updated.
* First save recordset and then save all user fields. After that the session of this got a renew for the user object.
* If the user doesn't have the right to save data of this user than an exception will be thrown.
* @param bool $updateFingerPrint Default @b true. Will update the creator or editor of the recordset if
* table has columns like @b usr_id_create or @b usr_id_changed
* @throws AdmException
* @return bool If an update or insert into the database was done then return true, otherwise false.
public function save($updateFingerPrint = true)
global $gCurrentUser;
// if current user is new or is allowed to edit this user than save data
// if value of a field changed then update timestamp of user object
$this->columnsValueChanged = true;
$returnValue = parent::save($updateFingerPrint);
// save data of all user fields
return $returnValue;
throw new AdmException('The inventory-data for item ', $this->getValue('FIRST_NAME').' '.$this->getValue('LAST_NAME').' could not be saved because you don\'t have the right to do this.');
* Set the id of the organization which should be used in this user object.
* The organization is used to read the rights of the user. If @b setOrganization isn't called
* than the default organization @b gCurrentOrganization is set for the current user object.
* @param int $organizationId Id of the organization
public function setOrganization($organizationId)
$this->organizationId = (int) $organizationId;
* Set a new value for a column of the database table if the column has the praefix @b usr_
* otherwise the value of the profile field of the table adm_user_data will set.
* If the user log is activated than the change of the value will be logged in @b adm_user_log.
* The value is only saved in the object. You must call the method @b save to store the new value to the database
* @param string $columnName The name of the database column whose value should get a new value or the internal unique profile field name
* @param mixed $newValue The new value that should be stored in the database field
* @return bool Returns @b true if the value is stored in the current object and @b false if a check failed
* @par Examples
* @code
* // set data of adm_users column
* $gCurrentUser->getValue('usr_login_name', 'Admidio');
* // reads data of adm_user_fields
* $gCurrentUser->getValue('EMAIL', 'webmaster@admidio.org');
* @endcode
public function setValue($columnName, $newValue)
global $gCurrentUser, $gPreferences;
$returnCode = true;
$oldFieldValue = $this->mInventoryFieldsData->getValue($columnName, 'database');
if(strpos($columnName, 'inv_') !== 0)
// user data from adm_user_fields table
// only to a update if value has changed
if(strcmp($newValue, $oldFieldValue) !== 0)
// Disabled fields can only be edited by users with the right "edit_users" except on registration.
// Here is no need to check hidden fields because we check on save() method that only users who
// can edit the profile are allowed to save and change data.
if(($this->mInventoryFieldsData->getProperty($columnName, 'inf_disabled') == 1
&& $gCurrentUser->editUsers())
|| $this->mInventoryFieldsData->getProperty($columnName, 'inf_disabled') == 0
|| ($gCurrentUser->getValue('inv_id') == 0 && $this->getValue('inv_id') == 0))
$returnCode = $this->mInventoryFieldsData->setValue($columnName, $newValue);
// users data from adm_users table
$returnCode = parent::setValue($columnName, $newValue);
return $returnCode;
* Checks if the current user is allowed to view the profile of the user of the parameter.
* If will check if user has edit rights with method editProfile or if the user is a member
* of a role where the current user has the right to view profiles.
* @param $item User object of the user that should be checked if the current user can view his profile.
* @return bool Return @b true if the current user is allowed to view the profile of the user from @b $user.
public function hasRightViewItem($item)
global $gCurrentUser;
$viewProfile = false;
// Hat ein User Profileedit rechte, darf er es natuerlich auch sehen
$viewProfile = true;
// Benutzer, die alle Listen einsehen duerfen, koennen auch alle Profile sehen
$viewProfile = true;
$sql = 'SELECT rol_id, rol_this_list_view
ON rol_id = mem_rol_id
ON cat_id = rol_cat_id
WHERE mem_usr_id = '.$item->getValue('inv_id'). '
AND mem_begin <= \''.DATE_NOW.'\'
AND mem_end > \''.DATE_NOW.'\'
AND rol_valid = 1
AND ( cat_org_id = '.$this->organizationId.'
OR cat_org_id IS NULL ) ';
$pdoStatement = $this->db->query($sql);
if($pdoStatement->rowCount() > 0)
while($row = $pdoStatement->fetch())
if($row['rol_this_list_view'] == 2)
// alle angemeldeten Benutzer duerfen Rollenlisten/-profile sehen
$viewProfile = true;
elseif($row['rol_this_list_view'] == 1
&& isset($this->list_view_rights[$row['rol_id']]))
// nur Rollenmitglieder duerfen Rollenlisten/-profile sehen
$viewProfile = true;
return $viewProfile;