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* @copyright 2004-2016 The Admidio Team
* @see http://www.admidio.org/
* @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License v2.0 only
* @class TableMembers
* @brief Handle memberships of roles and manage it in the database table adm_members
* The class search in the database table @b adm_members for role memberships of
* users. It has easy methods to start or stop a membership.
* @par Examples
* @code // start membership without read data before
* $membership = new TableMembers($gDb);
* $membership->startMembership($roleId, $userId);
* // read membership data and then stop membership
* $membership = new TableMembers($gDb);
* $membership->readDataByColumns(array('mem_rol_id' => $roleId, 'mem_usr_id' => $userId));
* $membership->stopMembership(); @endcode
class TableMembers extends TableAccess
* Constructor that will create an object of a recordset of the table adm_members.
* If the id is set than the specific membership will be loaded.
* @param \Database $database Object of the class Database. This should be the default global object @b $gDb.
* @param int $mem_id The recordset of the membership with this id will be loaded. If id isn't set than an empty object of the table is created.
public function __construct(&$database, $mem_id = 0)
// read also data of assigned category
$this->connectAdditionalTable(TBL_ROLES, 'rol_id', 'mem_rol_id');
parent::__construct($database, TBL_MEMBERS, 'mem', $mem_id);
* Deletes a membership for the assigned role and user. In opposite to removeMembership
* this method will delete the entry and you can't see any history assignment.
* If the user is the current user then initiate a refresh of his role cache.
* @param int $roleId Stops the membership of this role
* @param int $userId The user who should loose the member of the role.
* @return bool Return @b true if the membership was successful deleted.
public function deleteMembership($roleId = 0, $userId = 0)
global $gCurrentUser;
// if role and user is set, than search for this membership and load data into class
if(is_numeric($roleId) && is_numeric($userId) && $roleId > 0 && $userId > 0)
$this->readDataByColumns(array('mem_rol_id' => $roleId, 'mem_usr_id' => $userId));
if($this->getValue('mem_rol_id') > 0 && $this->getValue('mem_usr_id') > 0)
// if role membership of current user will be changed then renew his rights arrays
if($gCurrentUser->getValue('usr_id') == $userId)
return true;
return false;
* Save all changed columns of the recordset in table of database. Therefore the class remembers if it's
* a new record or if only an update is necessary. The update statement will only update
* the changed columns. If the table has columns for creator or editor than these column
* with their timestamp will be updated.
* @param bool $updateFingerPrint Default @b true. Will update the creator or editor of the recordset if table has columns like @b usr_id_create or @b usr_id_changed
* @return bool If an update or insert into the database was done then return true, otherwise false.
public function save($updateFingerPrint = true)
global $gCurrentSession;
$returnStatus = parent::save($updateFingerPrint);
if($returnStatus && is_object($gCurrentSession))
// renew user object of the affected user because of edited role assignment
return $returnStatus;
* Starts a membership for the assigned role and user from now until 31.12.9999.
* An existing membership will be extended if necessary. If the user is the
* current user then initiate a refresh of his role cache.
* @param int $roleId Assign the membership to this role
* @param int $userId The user who should get a member of the role.
* @param bool $leader If value @b 1 then the user will be a leader of the role and get more rights.
* @return bool Return @b true if the assignment was successful.
public function startMembership($roleId = 0, $userId = 0, $leader = null)
global $gCurrentUser;
// if role and user is set, than search for this membership and load data into class
if(is_numeric($roleId) && is_numeric($userId) && $roleId > 0 && $userId > 0)
$this->readDataByColumns(array('mem_rol_id' => $roleId, 'mem_usr_id' => $userId));
if($this->getValue('mem_rol_id') > 0 && $this->getValue('mem_usr_id') > 0)
// Beginn nicht ueberschreiben, wenn schon existiert
if(strcmp($this->getValue('mem_begin', 'Y-m-d'), DATE_NOW) > 0
|| $this->new_record)
$this->setValue('mem_begin', DATE_NOW);
// Leiter sollte nicht ueberschrieben werden, wenn nicht uebergeben wird
if($leader === null)
$this->setValue('mem_leader', false);
$this->setValue('mem_leader', $leader);
$this->setValue('mem_end', '9999-12-31');
// if role membership of current user will be changed then renew his rights arrays
if($gCurrentUser->getValue('usr_id') == $userId)
return true;
return false;
* Stops a membership for the assigned role and user from now until 31.12.9999.
* If the user is the current user then initiate a refresh of his role cache. If
* the last membership of a administrator role should be stopped then throw an exception.
* @param int $roleId Stops the membership of this role
* @param int $userId The user who should loose the member of the role.
* @throws AdmException
* @return bool Return @b true if the membership removal was successful.
public function stopMembership($roleId = 0, $userId = 0)
global $gCurrentUser;
// if role and user is set, than search for this membership and load data into class
if(is_numeric($roleId) && is_numeric($userId) && $roleId > 0 && $userId > 0)
$this->readDataByColumns(array('mem_rol_id' => $roleId, 'mem_usr_id' => $userId));
if(!$this->new_record && $this->getValue('mem_rol_id') > 0 && $this->getValue('mem_usr_id') > 0)
// subtract one day, so that user leaves role immediately
$now = new DateTime();
$oneDayOffset = new DateInterval('P1D');
$newEndDate = $now->sub($oneDayOffset)->format('Y-m-d');
// only stop membership if there is an actual membership
// the actual date must be after the beginning
// and the actual date must be before the end date
if(strcmp(date('Y-m-d', time()), $this->getValue('mem_begin', 'Y-m-d')) >= 0
&& strcmp($this->getValue('mem_end', 'Y-m-d'), $newEndDate) >= 0)
// if role administrator then check if this membership is the last one -> don't delete it
if($this->getValue('rol_administrator') == true)
$sql = 'SELECT mem_id
WHERE mem_rol_id = '.$this->getValue('mem_rol_id').'
AND mem_usr_id <> '.$this->getValue('mem_usr_id').'
AND \''.DATE_NOW.'\' BETWEEN mem_begin AND mem_end ';
$memberStatement = $this->db->query($sql);
if($memberStatement->rowCount() === 0)
throw new AdmException('LST_MUST_HAVE_ADMINISTRATOR');
// if start date is greater than end date than delete membership
if(strcmp($this->getValue('mem_begin', 'Y-m-d'), $newEndDate) >= 0)
$this->setValue('mem_end', $newEndDate);
// stop leader
if($this->getValue('mem_leader') == 1)
$this->setValue('mem_leader', 0);
// if role membership of current user will be changed then renew his rights arrays
if($gCurrentUser->getValue('usr_id') == $this->getValue('mem_usr_id'))
return true;
return false;